Frigate – object detection and notifications


My notes on setting up Frigate NVR for a home CCTV setup.

The main focus of this post is on object detection (utilising a Google Coral TPU) and configuring notifications to Amazon Fire TVs (and other devices) via intregration with HomeAssistant.

There’s a lot to cover and no point in reproducing the existing documentation, you can find full details & info on setting up the main components here:

Google Coral Edge TPU


I used Zoneminder for many years to capture and display my home CCTV cameras. There are several posts – going back to around 2016 – on this site under the ZoneMinder category here

This worked really well for me all that time, but I was never able to setup Object Detection in a way I liked – it can be done in a number of different ways, but everything I tried out was either very resource intensive, required linking to Cloud services like TensorFlow for processing, or was just too flaky and unreliable. It was fun trying them out, but none of them ever suited my needs. Integration and notification options were also possible, but were not straightforward.

So, I eventually took the plunge and switched to Frigate along with HomeAssistant. There was a lot to learn and figure out, so I’m posting some general info here in case it helps other people – or myself in future when I wonder why/how I did things this way….


I have 4 CCTV cameras, these are generic and cheap 1080p Network IP cameras, connected via Ethernet. I don’t permit them any direct access to the Internet for notifications, updates, event analysis or anything.

I ran ZoneMinder (the server software that manages and presents the feeds from the cameras) on various hardware over the years, but for the Frigate and HomeAssistant setup I have gone for an energy-efficient and quiet little “server” – an HP ProDesk 600 G1 Mini – it’s very very basic and very low powered… and cost £40 on eBay:

After testing Object Detection using the CPU (this is waaaay too much load for the CPU to cope with longer-term, but really helps to test proves the concept) I have since added a Google Coral Edge TPU to the host via USB. This enables me to offload the detection/inference work to the TPU and spare the little CPU’s energy for other tasks:


My key goals here were to:

  1. Setup and trial Frigate – to see if it could fit my requirements and replace ZoneMinder
  2. Add Object Detection – without having to throw a lot of hardware at it or use Cloud Services like TensorFlow
  3. Integrate with HomeAssistant – I’d been wanting to try this for a while, to integrate my HomeKit devices with other things like Sonos, Amazon Fire TVs, etc

Note that you do not need to use HomeAssistant or MQTT in order to use or try Frigate, it can run as a standalone insatnce if you like. Frigate also comes with its own web interface which is very good, and I run this full-screen/kiosk mode on one of my monitors.

Setup and trial Frigate: setting up Frigate was easy, I went for Ubuntu on my host and installed Docker on that, then configured Frigate and MQTT containers to communicate. These are both simply declared in the Frigate config like this:

    type: edgetpu
    device: usb

Add Object Detection: with Frigate, this can be done by a Google Coral Edge TPU (pic above) – more info here: and details on my config below. I first trialled this using the host CPU and it ‘worked’ but was very CPU intensive: adding the dedicated TPU makes a massive difference and inference speeds are usually around 10ms for analysis of 4 HD feeds. This means the host CPU is free to focus on running other things (which is just as well given the size of the thing).

        - person
        - dog
        - car
        - bird
        - cat

Integrate with HomeAssistant : Added the HomeAssistant Docker instance to my host, then ran and configured MQTT container for Frigate then configured Frigate + HomeAssistant to work together. This was done by first installing HACS in HA, then using the Frigate Integration as explained here:

Setup Notifications

Phone notifications – I have previosuly had (and posted about my) issues with CGNAT and expected I would need to set up and ngrok tunnel and certs and jump through all sorts of hoops to get HA working remotely.

HA offers a very simple Cloud Integration via

I trialled this and was so impressed I have already signed up for a year – it’s well worth it for me and makes things much simpler. Phone notifications can be setup under HomeAssistant > Settings > Automations and Scenes > Frigate Notifications – after installing the Frigate Notifications Bueprint via HACS.

I can now open HomeAssistant on my phone from anywhere in the World and view a dashboard that has live feeds from my CCTV cameras at home. I have also set it up to show recently detected objects from certain cameras too.

Amazon FireTV notifications – I have just setup the sending of notifications to the screen of my Amazon Fire TV, this was done by first installing this app on the device:
Then installing
on HA and configuring Notifications as described there. I now get a pop-up window on my projector screen whenever there’s someone at my front gate.

This is a quick (and poor quality) pic of my projector screen (and chainsaw collection) with an Amazon Fire TV 4k displaying a pop-up notification in the bottom-right corner:

This means I now don’t need to leave a monitor on showing my CCTV feeds any more, as I am notified either via my mobile or on screen. And my notifications are only set up for specific object types – people & cars, and not for things it picks up frequently that I don’t want to be alerted on, like birds or passing sheep or cows.

Minor Apple Watch update – these notifications are also picked up on my Apple Watch, which is set to display my phone notifications. So I also get a short video clip of the key frames which is pretty awesome and works well.

My Frigate Config – here’s an example from the main “driveway” camera feed, this is the one I want to be montoring & ntoified about most. It’s using RTSP to connect, record and detect the listed object types that I am interested in:

      order: 1  
    enabled: True
        - path: rtsp://THEUSER:THEPASSWORD@
            - detect
            - rtmp
        - path: rtsp://THEUSER:THEPASSWORD@
            - record        
      width: 1280
      height: 720
      fps: 5
        interval: 0
        threshold: 50  
        - person
        - dog
        - car
        - bird
        - cat

The full 24/7 recordings are all kept (one file/hour) for a few days then deleted and can be seen via HA under
Media > Frigate > Recordings > {camera name} > {date} > {hour}

Docker container start scripts

A note of the scripts I use to start the various docker containers.

This would be much better managed under Docker Compose or something, there are plenty of examples of that online, but I’d like to look at setting all of this up on Kubernetes so leaving this as rough as it is for now.

I am also running Grafana and NodeExporter at the moment to keep an eye on the stats, although things would probably look less worrying if I wasn’t adding to the load just to monitor them:


I’ll need to do something about that system load; it’s tempting to just get a second HP host & Coral TPU and put some of the load and half of the cameras on that – will see… a k8s cluster of them would be neat.

# Start Frigate container
docker run -d \
--name frigate \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--mount type=tmpfs,target=/tmp/cache,tmpfs-size=1000000000 \
--device /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
--device /dev/dri/renderD128 \
--shm-size=80m \
-v /root/frigate//storage:/media/frigate \
-v /root/frigate/config.yml:/config/config.yml \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-p 5000:5000 \
-p 8554:8554 \
-p 8555:8555/tcp \
-p 8555:8555/udp \

# Start homeassistant container
docker run -d \
--name homeassistant \
--privileged \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-e TZ=Europe/Belfast \
-v /root/ha_files:/config \
--network=host \

# Start MQTT container
docker run -itd \
--name=mqtt \
--restart=unless-stopped \
--network=host \
-v /storage/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config \
-v /storage/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data \
-v /storage/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log \

# Start NodeExporter container
docker run -d \
--name node_exporter \
--privileged \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-e TZ=Europe/Belfast \
-p 9100:9100 \

# Start Grafana container
docker run -d \
--name grafana \
--privileged \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-e TZ=Europe/Belfast \
-p 3000:3000 \

Kind – local kubernetes with docker nodes made quick and easy

Quick notes on trying out Kind for a local and lightweight Kubernetes cluster.

The “getting started” steps for Kind are easy and well documented on the Kind site, but I didn’t find a good guide on adding the Kubernetes Dashboard to a newly created Kind cluster… I’m planning on using this as the basis for a few local projects so wanted to capture it here, plus checkout using the Lens IDE to manage and monitor a local “Kind” cluster.

As it says on the Kind website… if you have go 1.16+ and docker or podman installed go install && kind create cluster is all you need!

Here’s me doing just that to create a new kind cluster on my Mac in 21 seconds….

all very quick and very easy, and it is incredibly light on resources too.

Notes on adding the Kubernetes Dashboard to a new Kind cluster

Apply the dashboard yaml

kubectl apply -f

Give it a moment or two to start up, checking with:

kubectl get pod -n kubernetes-dashboard

then create the admin user & cluster role bindings

kubectl create serviceaccount -n kubernetes-dashboard admin-user

kubectl create clusterrolebinding -n kubernetes-dashboard admin-user --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kubernetes-dashboard:admin-user

Next, get the auth token:

kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user

Start up the local proxy

kubectl proxy

Browse to the local login endpoint here and pass it the token from above

and you should see the Kubernetes Dashboard for your (very new) Kind cluster like this…

The Kubernetes Dashboard could also be deployed via Helm:

helm install stable/kubernetes-dashboard --name my-release

or via the Lens UI (more on that below):

Setting up Lens is even simpler

Download Lens and log in:

then select your “kind-kind” cluster from Lens > Catalogue > Clusters and you can see & do a whole load more with your cluster via Lens:

The missing metrics warning in Lens saying “Metrics are not available due to missing or invalid prometheus configuration.”

can be sorted by installing Prometheus using Helm via the CLI or from Lens:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

Alternatively, you can enable the inbuilt Metrics options in Lens:

Either way, things should soon look much better:

Adding multiple worker nodes to a kind cluster

This can be done in Kind by defining a cluster manifest with multiple worker nodes like this:

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
- role: worker

then creating the cluster specifying that file, e.g.

kind create cluster --config my-kind-cluster-config.yaml

“docker ps” should then show your multiple nodes, as will Lens:

Kubernetes Operators for Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana Dashboards


This post takes a look at setting up monitoring and alerting in Kubernetes, using Helm and Kubernetes Operators to deploy and configure Prometheus and Grafana.

This platform is quickly and easily deployed to the cluster using a Helm Chart, which in turn uses a Kubernetes Operator, to setup all of the required resources in an existing Kubernetes Cluster.

I’m re-using the Minikube Kubernetes cluster with Helm that was built and described in previous posts here and here, but the same steps should work for any working Kubernetes & Helm setup.

An example Grafana Dashboard for Kubernetes monitoring is then imported and we take a quick look at monitoring of Cluster components with other dashboards

Kubernetes Operators & Helm combo

K8s Operators are described ‘in plain English’ here:

and defined by CoreOS as “a method of packaging, deploying and managing a Kubernetes application

The Operator used in this post can be seen here:

and this is deployed to the Cluster using this Helm Chart:

It may sound like Helm and Operators do much the same thing, but they are different and complimentary

Helm and Operators are complementary technologies. Helm is geared towards performing day-1 operations of templatization and deployment of Kubernetes YAMLs — in this case Operator deployment. Operator is geared towards handling day-2 operations of managing application workloads on Kubernetes.


Let’s get (re)started

I’m reusing the Minikube cluster from previous posts, so start it back up with:

minikube start

which outputs the following in the console

🎉  minikube 1.10.1 is available! Download it:
💡  To disable this notice, run: ‘minikube config set WantUpdateNotification false’

🙄  minikube v1.9.2 on Darwin 10.13.6
✨  Using the virtualbox driver based on existing profile
👍  Starting control plane node m01 in cluster minikube
🔄  Restarting existing virtualbox VM for “minikube” …
🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.18.0 on Docker 19.03.8 …
🌟  Enabling addons: dashboard, default-storageclass, helm-tiller, metrics-server, storage-provisioner
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use “minikube”

this all looks ok, and includes the minikube addons I’d selected previously.
Now a quick check to make sure my local helm repo is up to date:

helm repo update

I then used this command to find the latest version of the stable prometheus-operator via a helm search:
helm search stable/prometheus-operator --versions | head -2

there’s no doubt a neater/builtin way to find out the latest version, but this did the job – I’m going to install 8.13.8:

install the prometheus operator using Helm, in to a new dedicated “monitoring” namespace just takes this one command:
helm install stable/prometheus-operator --version=8.13.8 --name=monitoring --namespace=monitoring


that should normally be it, but for me, this resulted in some issues along these lines:

Error: Get http://localhost:8080/version?timeout=32s: dial tcp connect: connection refused

– looks like Helm can’t communicate with Tiller any more; I confirmed this with a simple helm ls which also failed with the same message. This shouldn’t be a problem when v3 of Helm goes “tillerless”, but to fix this quickly I simply re-enabled Tiller in my cluster via Minikube Addons:

➞  minikube addons disable helm-tiller
➞  minikube addons enable helm-tiller

verified things worked again with helm ls, then the helm install... command worked and started to do its thing…

New Operator and Namespace

Keeping an eye on progress in my k8s dashboard, I can see the new “monitoring” namespace has been created, and the various Operator components are being downloaded, started up and configured:

you can also keep an eye on progress with:
watch -d kubectl get po --namespace=monitoring

this takes a while on my machine, but eventually completes with this console output:

The Prometheus Operator has been installed. Check its status by running:
  kubectl –namespace monitoring get pods -l “release=monitoring”

Visit for instructions on how
to create & configure Alertmanager and Prometheus instances using the Operator.

kubectl get po --namespace=monitoring shows the pods now running in the cluster, and for this quick example the easiest way to get access to the new Grafana instance is to forward the pods port 3000 to localhost like this:

➞  kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward monitoring-grafana-64d4f6fcf7-t5zkv 3000:3000

(check and adjust the above to use the full/correct name of your monitoring-grafana-* pod)

Connecting to Grafana

now I can hit http://localhost:3000 and have that connect to port 3000 in the Grafana pod:

from the documentation on the Helm Chart and Operator here:

the default user for this Grafana is “admin” and the password for that user is “prom-operator“, so log in with those credentials…

Grafana Dashboards for Kubernetes

We can now use the ready-made Grafana dashboards, or add/import ones from the extensive online collection, like this one here for example: – simply save the JSON file

then go to Grafana and import it with these settings:

and you should now have a dashboard showing some pretty helpful stats on your kubernetes cluster, it’s health and resource usage:

Finally a very quick look at some of the other inbuilt dashboards – you can use and adjust these to monitor all of the components that comprise your cluster and set up alerting when limits or triggers are reached:

All done & next steps

There’s a whole lot more that can be done here, and many other ways to get to this point, but I found this pretty quick and easy.

I’ve only been looking at monitoring of k8s resources here, but you can obviously set up grafana dashboards for many other things, like monitoring your deployed applications. Many applications (and charts and operators) come with prom endpoints built in, and can easily and automatically be added to your monitoring and alerting dashboards along with other datasources.



Kubernetes – Jenkins Pipelines with Docker Agents

This is the second post on Jenkins Pipelines on Kubernetes with Minikube, following on from the initial setup steps here:

That post went as far as having a Kubernetes cluster up and running for local development. That was primarily focused on Mac, but once you reach the point of having a running Kubernetes Cluster with kubectl configured to talk to it, the hosting platform/OS makes little difference.

This second section takes a more detailed look at running Jenkins Pipelines inside the Kubernetes Cluster, and automatically provisioning Jenkins JNLP Agents via Kubernetes, then takes an in-depth look at what we can do with all of that, with a complete working example.

This post covers quite a lot:

  • Adding Helm to the Kubernetes cluster for package management
  • Deploying Jenkins on Kubernetes with Helm
  • Connecting to the Jenkins UI
  • Setting up a first Jenkins Pipeline job
  • Running our pipeline and taking a look at the results
  • What Next

Adding Helm to the Kubernetes cluster for package management

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, and like Minikube it is ideal for quickly setting up development environments, plus much more if you want to. Take a look through the Helm hub to see just some of the other things it can do.

On Mac you can use brew to install the local helm component:

brew install helm

and again you can use minikube addons for the k8s cluster side – note that helm v3 removes the requirement for tiller.

minikube addons enable helm-tiller

you should then see a tiller pod start up in your Kubernetes kube-system namespace:

Before you can use Helm we first need to initialise the local Helm client, so simply run:

helm init --client-only

as our earlier minikube addons command has configured the connectivity and cluster already. Before we can use Helm to install Jenkins (or any of the many other things it can do), we need to update the local repo that contains the Helm Charts:

helm repo update

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories…
…Skip local chart repository
…Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
Update Complete.

That should be Helm setup complete and ready to use now.

Deploying Jenkins on Kubernetes with Helm

Now that Helm is setup and can speak to our k8s instance, installing 100’s of software packages suddenly becomes very simple – including, Jenkins. We’ll just give the install a friendly name “jenki” and use NodePort to simplify the networking, nothing more is required for this dev setup:

helm install --set serviceType=NodePort --name jenki stable/jenkins

obviously we’re skipping over all the for-real things you may want for a longer lived Jenkins instance, like backups, persistence, resilience, authentication and authorisation etc., but this bare-bones setup is sufficient for now.

Connect to the Jenkins UI

The Helm install should spit out some helpful info like this, explaining how to get the Jenkins Admin password and how to connect to the UI:

  1. Get your ‘admin’ user password by running:
    printf $(kubectl get secret –namespace default jenki-jenkins -o jsonpath=”{.data.jenkins-admin-password}” | base64 –decode);echo
  2. Get the Jenkins URL to visit by running these commands in the same shell:
    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods –namespace default -l “” -l “” -o jsonpath=”{.items[0]}”)
    kubectl –namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080
  3. Login with the password from step 1 and the username: admin

For more information on running Jenkins on Kubernetes, visit:

looking something like this in the console:

going back to the Kubernetes Dashboard we can now see the “jenki” Jenkins deployment in the default namespace:

and you can monitor the pods via the console with:

watch kubectl get pods -o wide

Note: I install the useful ‘watch‘ command via brew too, along with the zsh plugin for minikube

After following the steps to get the admin password and hit the Jenkins URL in your desktop browser, you should see the familiar “Welcome to Jenkins!” page…

Pause a moment to appreciate that this Jenkins is running in a JVM inside a Docker container on a Kubernetes Pod as a Service in a Namespace in a Kubernetes Instance that’s running inside a Virtual Machine running under a Hypervisor on a host device….

turtles all the way down

there are many things I’ve skipped over here, including looking at storage, auth, security and all the usual considerations but the aim has been to quickly and easily get to this point so we can start developing the pipelines and processes we’re really wanting to focus on.

Navigating to Manage Jenkins then Plugins Manager should show some updates already available – this proves we have connectivity to the public Jenkins Update Centre out of the box. The Kubernetes Jenkins plugin is the key thing I’m looking for – select and update if required:

If you go to you should see a link at the foot of the page to the new location for “Clouds”: – that should already be configured with sufficient settings for Jenkins to use your Kubernetes cluster, but it’s worthwhile taking a look through the settings and options there. No changes should be required here now though.

Setup a first Jenkins Pipeline job

Create a new Jenkins Pipeline job and add the following settings as shown in the picture below…

In the job config page under “Pipeline”, for “Definition” select “Pipeline script from SCM” and enter the URL of this github project which contains my example pipeline code:

everything else can be left as the default, and should look something like this:

This means that your Job will checkout my example repo and run the pipeline Groovy code in the Jenkinsfile, which you can see here:

This file has been heavily commented to explain every part of the pipeline and shows what each step is doing. Taking a read through it should show you how pipelines work, how Jenkins is creating Docker Containers for the different Stages, and give you some ideas on how you could develop this simple example further.

Run it and take a look at the results

Save and run the job, and you should (eventually) see something like this:

The jobs Console Output will have a ton of info, showing everything from the container images being pulled, the git repo being cloned, the very verbose gradle build output and all the local files.

So in summary, what just happened?

Jenkins connected to Kubernetes via the Kubernetes plugin and its settings

The required Docker images (git and gradle, as specified at the top of the Jenkinsfile pipeline) were pulled from Docker Hub

A git Docker container was started up (as a new pod in k8s) and connected to Jenkins as an Agent using JNLP

A ‘git clone’ was run inside that container to check out the source code from an example repo

A gradle Docker container was started and connected as a Jenkins JNLP Agent, running as another k8s pod

The gradle build stage was run inside that gradle container, using the source files checked out from git in the previous Stage

The newly built JAR file was archived so we could use it later if wanted

The pipeline ends, and k8s will clean up the containers

This pipeline could easily be expanded to run that new JAR file as an application as demonstrated here:, or, you could build a new Docker image containing this version of the JAR file and start that up and test it and so on. You could also automate this so that whenever the source code is changed a build is triggered that does all of this automatically and records the result… hello CI/CD!

What next?

From the above demo you can hopefully see how easy it is to create an end to end pipeline that will automatically provision Jenkins Agents running on Kubernetes for you.

You can use this functionality to quickly and safely develop pipeline processes like the one we have examined, that run across multiple Agents, using each for a particular function/step in your workflow, leaving the provisioning and housekeeping work to the underlying Kubernetes cluster. With this, you can build or pull docker images, run them, test them, start them up as other Jenkins JNLP Agents and so on, all “as code” and all fully automated.

And after all that… ?

Being able to fire up Docker containers and use them as Jenkins Agents running on a Kubernetes platform is extremely powerful in itself, but you can go a step further and start using this setup to build, deploy and manage Kubernetes resources directly, too – from Jenkins Pipelines running on the same Kubernetes Cluster – or even from one Kubernetes to another.

We’ve seen during setup that we can use kubectl to manage the k8s cluster and its components – we can also do that from within containers and stages in our pipelines, wherever they are.

This example project demonstrates just that:

and contains an example pipeline and supporting files to build, lint, security scan, push to registry, deploy to Kubernetes, run, test and clean up the example “doncoin” application via a Jenkins pipeline running on Kubernetes.

It also includes outlines and suggestions for expanding things even further, in to a more mature and production-ready setup, introducing things like Jenkins shared libraries, linting and testing, automating vulnerability scanning within the pipeline, and so on.

Note the docker containers used there, the kubernetes yaml file and shell script, and the simple container with kubectl inside it.



Kubernetes on Mac with Minikube


This is a follow on to the previous writeup on Kubernetes with Minikube and shows how to quickly and easily get a Kubernetes cluster up and running using VirtualBox and Minikube.

The setup is very similar for all platforms, but this post is specifically focused on Mac, as I’m planning on using this as the basis for a more complex post on Jenkins & Kubernetes Pipelines (and that post is now posted, here!).

Installing required components

There are three main components required:

VirtualBox is a free and open source hypervisor. It is a light weight app that allows you to run Virtual Machines on most platforms (Mac, Windows, Linux). We will use it here to run the Minikube Virtual Machine.

Kubectl is a command line tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters, we install this on the host (Mac) and use it to control and interact with the Kubernetes cluster we will be running inside the Minikube VM.

Minikube is a tool that runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster in a virtual machine on your personal computer. We’re using this to provision our k8s cluster and will also take advantage of some of the developer friendly addons it offers.

Downloads and Instructions

Here are links to the required files and detailed instructions on setting each of these components up – I went for the ‘brew install‘ options but there are many alternatives in these links. The whole process is very simple and took about 10 minutes.


simply download the Mac VirtualBox .dmg image file and install it


brew install kubectl


brew install minikube

Starting up Kubernetes via Minikube in VirtualBox on Mac

From the Mac terminal (iTerm2 or whatever you use) running minikube start should kick off the download of the minikube VirtualMachine image.

If you would prefer to use another hypervisor (VMWare, kvm etc) you may need to specify the driver from this list:

most popular hypervisors are well supported by Minikube.

Here’s what that looks like on my Mac – this may take a few minutes as it’s downloading a VM (if not already available locally), starting it up and configuring a Kubernetes Cluster inside it:

there’s quite a lot going on and not very much to see; you don’t even need to look at VirtualBox as it’s running ‘headless’, but if you open it up you can see the new running VM and its settings:

these values are all set to sensible defaults, but you may want to tweak things like memory or cpu allocations – running

minikube config -h

should help you see what to do, for example

minikube start --memory 1024

to change the allocated memory.

If you then take a look at the config file in ~/.minikube/config/config.js you will see how your preferences – resource limits, addons etc – are persisted and managed there.

Looking back at VirtualBox, if you click on “Show” or the running VM you can open that up to see the console for the Minikube VM:

to stop the vm simply do a minikube stop, or just type minikube to see a list of args and options to manage the lifecycle, e.g. minikube delete, status, pause, ssh and so on.

Minikube Addons

One of the handy features Minikube provides are its selection of easy to use addons. As explained in the official docs here you can see the list and current status of each addon by typing minikube addons list

the storage-provisioner and default-storeageclass addons were automatically enabled on startup, but I usually like to add the metrics server and dashboard too, like so:

minikube addons enable metrics-server
minikube addons enable dashboard

I often use helm & tiller, efk, istio and the registry too – this feature save me a lot of time and messing about!

Accessing the Kubernetes Dashboard – all done!

Once that’s completed you can run minikube dashboard to open up the Kubernetes dashboard on your host.

Minikube makes this all very easy; we didn’t have to forward ports, configure firewalls, consider ingress and egress, create RBAC roles, manage accounts/passwords/keys or set up DNS, or any of the many things you would normally want or have to consider to get to this point.

These features make Minikube a great choice for development work, where you don’t want to care about things like this as you would in a “for real” environment.

Your browser should open up the Kubernetes Dashboard, and you can click around and see the status of the many components that comprise your new Kubernetes cluster:

And then…

Next up I’ll be building on this setup by deploying a Jenkins instance inside the Kubernetes Cluster, then configuring that to use Kubernetes to build, manage and deploy applications on the same Kubernetes Cluster.

This is now covered in the next post, here:

Kubernetes – with Minikube and Helm – part 2

This is the second half of the Kubernetes with Minikube and Helm presentation, the first half explains all of the steps we went through to get to this point, and is available here:

In this section we cover the following:

  • Helm and Tiller – what they are, when & why you’d maybe use them
  • Helm and Tiller – prep, install and Helm Charts
  • Deploying Jenkins via Helm Charts
  • and WordPress w/MariaDB too
  • Wrap up

The below are mostly my technical notes from this session, with some added blurb/explanation.

Helm and Tiller – what they are, when & why you’d maybe use them

From the Helm site:

“Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Charts are easy to create, version, share, and publish — so start using Helm and stop the copy-and-paste.”

Helm is basically a package manager for Kubernetes applications. You can choose from a large list of Stable (or not so!) ready made packages and use the Helm Charts to quickly and easily deploy them to your own Kubernetes Cluster.

This makes light work of some very complex deployment tasks, and it’s also possible to extend these ready-made charts to suit your needs, and to write your own Charts from scratch, or pass your own values to override default ones, or… many other interesting options!

For this session we are looking at installing Helm, reviewing some example Helm Charts and deploying a few “vanilla” ones to the cluster we created in the first half of the session. We also touch upon the life-cycle of Helm Charts – it’s similar to dockers – and point out some of the ways this could be extended and customised to suit your needs – more on this at a later date hopefully.

Helm and Tiller – prep, install and Helm Charts

First, installing Helm – it’s as easy as this, run on your laptop/host that’s running the Minikube k8s we setup earlier:

Get & chmod the get_helm script, then run it:

curl >

chmod 700


Tiller is the client part of Helm and is deployed inside your k8s cluster. It’s set to be removed with the release of Helm 3, but the basic functionality wont really change. More details here

Next we do the Tiller prep & install – add RBAC for tiller, deploy via helm and take a look at the running pods:

kubectl create serviceaccount -n kube-system tiller

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller

helm init --service-account tiller

kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods

Helm Charts – look at the list of available stable Charts, then deploy a couple. The github repo is here

Update the local helm repo info:

helm repo update

then, for example, install Redis from its Helm Chart to the k8s cluster as easily as this:

helm install stable/redis

or helm install stable/mysql and check the console output that explains how to access the newly deployed app.

keep an eye on the pods to see what’s going on: watch kubectl get pods -o wide

Deploying Jenkins via Helm Charts

helm ls

helm delete <things you don't want any more to free up resources>

helm install --set serviceType=NodePort --name jenki stable/jenkins

again, watch kubectl get pods -o wide

now get the URL for the Jenkins service from Minikube:

minikube service --url=true jenki-jenkins

Hit that URL in your browser, and grab the password in UI from Pods > Jenki and log in to Jenkins with the user “admin”:

That’s a Jenkins instance deployed via Helm and Tiller and a Helm Chart to our Kubernetes Cluster running inside Minikube via a VirtualBox VM… all done in a few minutes. And it’s all customisable, repeatable, highly scaleable and awesome.

and WordPress w/MariaDB too

This was the “bonus demo” if my laptop wasn’t on fire – and thanks to some rapid cleaning up it managed fine – showing how quickly we could deploy a functional WordPress with MariaDB backend to our k8s cluster using the Helm Chart.

To prepare for this I did a helm ls to see all the things I had running. then helm delete --purge jenki, gave it a while to recover then had to do

kubectl delete pods <jenkinpod>

before starting the WordPress Chart deployment with

helm install --set serviceType=NodePort --name wp-k8s stable/wordpress

watch kubectl get pods -o wide for a while – note the chart is configured with the mariadb pod as a pre requisite of the wordpress instance:

Once it’s started we requested the service URL from Minikube again, making ingress nice and easy:

minikube service --url=true wp-k8s-wordpress

Hit that in the browser, using https and accepting the cert warning…

then logged in as `user` and qureied for the password in the k8s secret…

echo Password: $(kubectl get secret wp-k8s-wordpress -o
jsonpath="{.data.wordpress-password}" | base64 --decode)

and logged in to WordPress:

Wrap up

That’s it – we covered a lot in this session, and plan to use this as a platform to explore Helm in more detail later, writing our own Helm Charts and providing our own customisations to them.

minikube delete; rm -rf ~/.minikube

Cleans up everything we’d done:

Leaving just the local tools to remove if you want to – see the first half for a reminder.



Update: this follow-on post runs through setting up Jenkins with Helm then creating Jenkins Pipelines that dynamically provision dockerised Jenkins Agents:

Kubernetes – with Minikube and Helm – part 1


This is the first of two posts on Kubernetes and Helm Charts, focusing on setting up a local development environment for Kubernetes using Minikube, then exploring Helm for package management and quickly and easily deploying several applications to the cluster – NGINX, Jenkins, WordPress with a MariaDB backend, MySQL and Redis.

The content is taken from the practical/demo session I wrote and published in Github here:

for this Meetup session we ran in Edinburgh in June 2019:

“Kubernetes – getting started with Minikube, Helm and Tiller”


One of the key objectives and challenges here was getting a useful local Kubernetes environment up and running as quickly and easily as possible for as wide an audience as we could- there’s so much to the Kubernetes ecosystem that it’s very easy to get side-tracked, and we could have (happily) spent a long time discussing the myriad of alternative possible solutions.

We plan to go “deeper” on all of this in future sessions and have an in-depth Helm session in the works, but for this session we were focused on creating a practical starting point.



What is covered here:

  • Minikube – what it is (& isn’t) & why you’d use it (or not)
  • Kubernetes and Minikube components and concepts
  • setup for Mac and Linux
  • creating a first Kubernetes cluster in Minikube
  • minikube addons – what they are and how they can help you
  • minikube docker env – using DOCKER_HOST with minikube VM
  • Kubernetes dashboard with Heapster and Metrics Server – made easy by Minikube
  • kubectl – some examples and alternatives
  • example app – “hello (Kubernetes) world” minikube style with NGINX, scaling your world

and the second post covers:

  • Helm and Tiller – what they are, when & why you’d maybe use them
  • Helm and Tiller – prep, install and Helm Charts
  • Deploying Jenkins via Helm Charts
  • and WordPress w/MariaDB too
  • wrap up

Minikube – what it is (& isn’t) & why you’d use it (or not)

What it is, why you’d use it etc.

Local development of k8s – runs a single node Kubernetes cluster in a Virtual Machine on your laptop/PC.

All about making things easy for local development, it is not a production solution, or even close to it.

There are many other ways to run k8s, they all have their pros and cons and use cases. The slides from the Meetup covered this in more detail and include links for further info – they are available here:

Kubernetes and Minikube components and concepts

The (above) slides also cover this section:
Kubernetes components and concepts
what it solves
how Minikube works

Setup for Mac and Linux

There are three things you need to set up for this, they are:

Using Ubuntu for example:

curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo cp minikube /usr/local/bin/ && rm minikube

curl -LO

`chmod +x ./kubectl

`sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl`

Cleanup/prep – if required, remove any previous cluster & settings

`minikube delete; rm -rf ~/.minikube`

Creating a first Kubernetes cluster in Minikube

Here we create a first Kubernetes cluster with Minikube, then take a look around in & outside of the VM.

With the above initial setup done, it’s as simple as running this in a shell:

minikube start

Note you could optionally give this Cluster a name, if you are likely to have more than one for different branches of development for example. This is also where you could specify the VM provider if you want to use something other than VirtualBox – there are more details here:

This should produce output like the following, and it may well take a few minutes as the VM is downloaded and started, then a stack of Docker images are started up inside that….

At this point you should be able to see the minikube VM running in the VirtualBox GUI:

Now it’s running, we can connect from our local shell directly to the one inside the running VM by simply issuing:

minikube ssh

This will put you inside the VM where the Kubernetes Cluster is being run, and we can see and interact with the running components, for example:

docker images

should show all of the downloaded images:

and you could do this to see the running containers:

docker ps

Quitting out of the VM puts us back on the local host, where we can use kubectl to query the status of the Minikube cluster – the initial setup has told kubectl about the Minikube-managed Kubernetes Cluster, meaning there’s no other setup required here:

kubectl cluster-info

kubectl get nodes

kubectl describe nodes

minikube addons – what they are and how they can help you

Show some of the ways minkube makes things easier for local dev

First, take a moment to look around these two local folders:

ls -al ~/.minikube; ls -al ~/.kube

These are where Minikube keeps its settings and the VM Image, and where kubectl settings are persisted – and updated by Minikube.

With Minikube you’ve often got the option to either use kubectl directly, or to use some Minikube built-in features to make your life easier.

Addons are one of these features, allowing you to very easily add – or remove – functionality from the cluster like this:

minikube addons list

minikube addons enable heapster

minikube addons enable metrics-server

With those three lines we’ve taken a look at the available addons and their current status, and selected to enable both heapster and the metrics server. This was done to give us cpu and mem stats in the Kubernetes Dashboard, which we will set up in a moment. The output should look something like this:

minikube config view

shows the current state of the config – i.e. what changes have been made, so we can keep a track of them easily.

kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods

now we can enable the dashboard:

minikube addons enable dashboard

and check again to see the current state

minikube addons list

we’ll connect to the Dashboard and take a look around in a moment, but first…

minikube docker env – using the DOCKER_HOST in you minikube VM – how & why

Minikube docker-env – setup local docker client to use minikube docker host

We’re going to look at connecting our local docker client to the docker host inside the Minikube VM. This is made easy by:

minikube docker-env

if you run that command on its own it wiull show you what settings it will export and you can set them by doing:

eval ${minikube docker-env}

From then on, in that shell, your local docker commands will use the docker host inside Minikube.

This is very useful for debugging and local development – when you change and deploy anything to your Kubernetes Cluster, you can easily tail the logs or check for errors or issues. You can also do all of this via the dashboard or kubectl too if you prefer, but it’s another handy and powerful feature from Minikube.

The following image shows the result of running this command:

eval $(minikube docker-env) && docker ps | grep -i metrics

so we can now use our local docker client to run docker commands like…

docker ps

docker ps | grep -i metrics

docker logs -f <some container id>


Kubernetes dashboard with Heapster and Metrics Server – made easy by Minikube

Minikube k8s dashboard – here we will start up the k8s dashboard and take look around.

We’ve delayed starting the dashboard up until after we enabled the metrics-server & heapster components we deployed earlier. By doing it in this order, the dashboard will automatically detect and use these components, giving us cpu & mem stats and a nicer looking dash, with no additional config required.

Starting the dashboard simply involved running

minikube dashboard

and waiting for a minute…

That should fire up your browser automatically, then you can take a look around at things like Default namespace > Nodes

and in the namespace kube-system > Deployments

and kube-system > Pods

You can see the logs and statuses of everything running in your k8s cluster – from the core components we covered at the start, to the dashboard, metrics and heapster we enabled recently, and the application we’re going to deploy and scale up soon.

kubectl – some examples and alternatives

# kubectl command line – look at kubectl and keep an eye on things
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system

kubectl get pods -o wide -n kube-system

kubectl get services


example app – “hello (Kubernetes) world” minikube style with NGINX, scaling your world

Now we’ll deploy the most basic application we can – a “Hello World” style NGINX docker image.

It’s as simple as this, where nginx is the name of the docker image you want to deploy, hello-nginx is the label you want to give it, and port 80 is where you want it to listen:

kubectl run hello-nginx --image=nginx --port=80

that shouldn’t take long, and you can watch the progress like this:

kubectl get pods -o wide

We can then expose the deployment using NodePort:

kubectl expose deployment hello-nginx --type=NodePort

then we can ask Minikube to provide the URL for Ingress:

minikube service --url=true hello-nginx

and hitting that URL in your browser should show the obvious:

“Welcome to nginx!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.”

you can keep an eye on the Service with

kubectl get svc

while we scale to x3 replicas:

kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/hello-nginx

and take a look at what happens with

kubectl get deployment

kubectl get pods -o wide

or check in the Dashboard to see something like this:

and monitor what’s going on in our “hello world” NGINX app with kubectl then scale it down to 0 or 1 or whatever you like…

kubectl get deployment

kubectl get pods -o wide

kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/hello-nginx

Next post – Helm & Tiller onwards…

Meetup – Kubernetes with Minikube and Helm Charts

We are presenting a Kubernetes-related Meetup on Wednesday 5th June in Edinburgh.

This time we explore setting up a local development environment for Kubernetes using Minikube and Helm Charts. We will deploy NGINX to the Cluster and scaled it up and down, then use Helm Charts to deploy Jenkins, WordPress and MariaDB.

if you’d like to join in please book a space via our Meetup (below) – it’s free, and the Peoples Postcode Lottery are kindly hosting the event and providing the beer and pizza too! Wednesday 5th June 2019 from 6:30 PM in the Peoples Postcode Lottery offices at 28 Charlotte Square in Edinburgh.

Kubernetes – getting started with Minikube, Helm and Tiller

Wednesday, Jun 5, 2019, 6:30 PM

Wemyss House
28 Charlotte Square Edinburgh, GB

38 Members Went

In collaboration with Hays and the People’s Postcode Lottery, Automated IT Solutions are running a Meetup on Kubernetes with Minikube, Helm and Tiller. The session starts off with an overview of the main Kubernetes concepts and components, then runs through building your own local Kubernetes Cluster with Minikube. After deploying and scaling our fi…

Check out this Meetup →

I have been planning this session for ages, and hope that it will become the basis for several future talks and ideas, including deploying Blockchain to a Kubernetes cluster, then adding a Ruby and Sinatra based application that will use it.

Jenkins Global Pipeline Libraries – a v.quick start guide

This post runs through the steps required to start using Global Pipeline Libraries in your Jenkins Pipelines.

There are many reasons you may want to use this functionality, the main attraction for me is to provide centralised libraries that perform common functions for multiple instances of Jenkins. This removes a lot of complexity from the pipelines and also reduces code repition; for example, you may have 10 Jenkins instances all performing the same general task, each using slightly diferent code. If you want to update how this task is done, you may have to find and update each instance. Alteratively, using this approach, you can update the central version and know that all of your Jenkins Pipelines that consume it will be udpated.

There are many posts about these all over the ‘net, but they mostly seemed overly complex, too specific and none too helpful to me – I just wanted to know how to get the most basic example possible working quickly on my dev Jenkins instance, so I could see how they work in practice and take it from there.

That’s what this post covers – getting a simple “Hello World” type example library published and made available in Jenkins, then calling it very easily from within a Pipeline job with the expected results. More detail and advanced usage to come later… these are a very powerful addition to Jenkins pipelines and once you see how they work, you may also see benefits to migrating some of your common tasks over to them.

This is done in three simple and logical steps:

Create a Library and Publish it

Tell Jenkins about your nice new library

Calling the Global Library from my Jenkins Pipeline

The first step is to…

Create your Library and publish it somewhere.

I have reused one of my existing GitHub repos: for this example, but most version control systems should do just as well.

That’s all that’s needed for this most-basic example – here is the code in plain text, as taken from the guide here:

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def call(String name = 'human') {
    // Any valid steps can be called from this code, just like in other
    // Scripted Pipeline
    echo "Hello, ${name}."

It is important to note that the file is in a “vars” directory, this is the naming convention Jenkins expects to find your groovy libraries within, and is best followed.

A. Note

Next step is to:

Tell Jenkins about your nice new library

This is done by going to Manage Jenkins then Configure System, then scrolling down to Global Pipeline Libraries and defining a new instance of one, just like this:

The settings used here are:

Name: mycommonlibs // any “friendly” name you’d like to reference these libraries by

Default version: master // or use a branch or version number if you prefer

I then checked the three tick boxes, especially the Load implicitly which removes the need to load Libraries explicitly in your Jenkinsfile (you can do this, and it may be very useful depending on your needs, but I want simple and easy for now).

The final section tells Jenkins where this Library is:

and I provide a user to access GitHub with.

That is all that is needed to set up a Library and tell Jenkins all about it.

Note that anyone with write access to the location of your defined Libraries will effectively have full access to your Jenkins instance – if they can update the code that’s being run…

W. Arning

And finally, it’s time for a test drive…

Calling the Global Library from my Jenkins Pipeline:

    sayHello ()
    sayHello 'Donald'

To end up with a mega-basic Pipeline that looks like this:

When this Jenkins Pipeline job is run, it generates the following output:


Which as you can see means that Jenkins has pulled in the Shared Library from GitHub, resolved and called the sayHello() method from the remote common library, called it again with a passed parameter (‘Donald‘) and produced the expected results. Yay. How neat and how easy was that?

There’s a whole lot more you can do with Global Pipeline Libraries in Jenkins. From this point you can easily add complexity and functionality to build up a library of powerful and useful utilities that will greatly improve the quality and manageability of your Pipelines. I generally start by finding common tasks and patterns and externalise those to shared libraries.

I plan to expand on some of these points in a later post, but hopefully this shows how to quickly and easily start using them.



Kubernetes – Dashboard with Heapster stats

Previous related posts:


It’s pretty easy to deploy a functional Kubernetes dashboard to a Kubernetes Cluster, either using the stable Helm Chart or the official Kubernetes Dashboard project directly.

What was a little trickier, was getting live stats for my cluster – cpu and mem load etc – to show up inside the dashboard, so that you can see the status of the various deployments and pods on your cluster at a glance from one central location.

This combination of tools also makes it easy to add on Grafana dashboards that display whatever cluster stats you want from InfluxDB or Prometheus via Heapster, producing something along these lines:


This post documents the steps I took to get things working the way I want them.

Adding Heapster to a Kubernetes Cluster

I’ve used Heapster before and found it did everything I wanted without any problem, especially with an InfluxDB backend, but it’s now being deprecated and replaced with the new metrics-server (and others), which at the time I was doing this doesn’t integrate with the kubernetes dashboard so wouldn’t give me the stats I was looking for., which are this kind of thing…

and this

Note that it’s slightly easier to get Heapster stats working first, then when you add on the dashboard it’ll pick them up.

Heapster can be installed using the default project here, but it will not work with the current/latest version of Kubernetes Dashboard like that, and some changes are needed to make the two play nicely together.

I followed the steps in this very helpful post:

and created my own fork of the official Heapster repo with the recommended changes then made to it, so now I can then simply (re)apply those settings whenever I rebuild my Cluster, and things should keep working.

My GitHub repo for this is here:

and after cloning it (with the needed changes already done in that repo) locally I applied those files as described in the above post:

$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/kube-config/rbac/


$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/kube-config/influxdb/

Note that it may take a while for things to start happening…

The simplest test to see when/if Heapster is working is to check with kubectl top against a node or pod like so:

ansible@umaster:~$ kubectl top node umaster
umaster 144m 3% 3134Mi 19%

ansible@umaster:~$ kubectl top node ubuntu01
ubuntu01 121m 6% 2268Mi 59%

If you get stats something like the above back things are looking good, but if you get a “no stats available” message, you’ve got some fundamental issues. Time to go check the logs and look for errors. I had quite a series of them until I made the above changes, including many access verboten errors like:

reflector.go:190] Failed to list *v1.Node: nodes is forbidden: User “system:serviceaccount:kube-system:heapster

Kubernetes Dashboard with user & permissions sorted

Next, I deployed the dashboard as simply as this:
kubectl apply -f

but will probably use the Helm Chart for the kubernetes-dashboard next, which I think uses the same project.

Once deployed, I needed to edit

kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard

as per here:—1.7.X-and-above
and change

 type: ClusterIP 


type: NodePort

And I also applied these changes to create a Cluster Role and Service Admin account:

ansible@umaster:~/ansible01$ cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: kubernetes-dashboard
k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
kind: ServiceAccount
name: kubernetes-dashboard
namespace: kube-system

I then restarted the dashboard pod to pick up the changes:

kubectl delete pod kubernetes-dashboard-57df4db6b-4tcmk --namespace kube-system

Now it should be time to test logging in to the Dashboard. If you don’t have a service endpoint created already/automatically, you can find and do a quick test via the current NodePort by running

kubectl -n kube-system get service kubernetes-dashboard

Then hit your cluster IP with that PORT in your browser and you should see a login page like:

Presenting the next hurdle… how to log in to your nice new Dashboard and see all the shiny new info and metrics!

sudo kubectl -n kube-system get secret
and look/grep for something starting with “kubernetes-dashboard-token-” that we created above. Then do this to get the token to log in with full perms:

sudo kubectl -n kube-system describe secret kubernetes-dashboard-token-rlr9m

or whatever unique name you found above – hitting tab after the last “-” should work if you have completion set up.

That should give you a TOKEN you can copy and log in to the Dashboard with.

You should now have full access in the dashboard, no more permissions errors, and be able to see the stats provided by Heapster too.

My TODO list to finish off this part of the project properly includes:

  • exposing the dashboard as a service on a suitable free port
  • resetting the cluster
  • running through things again to ensure it all works first time
  • see if using the Helm chart provides any benefits
  • adding in monitoring and alerting via Grafana.

If you’re interested in monitoring and metrics for Kubernetes, this post takes things further: Kubernetes – Operators for monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana dashboards

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