Oracle admin tasks

Oracle admin tasks – here are some basic queries and script examples I have gathered and adapted from various sources – the Internet, colleagues etc.

GitHub repo:

My main interest in this is in doing both day to day maintenance tasks to support environments, and in scripting monitoring and preventative Jenkins jobs that report on various aspects of Oracle Database servers – these automated database monitors have proved very worthwhile, and often identify upcoming issues before they cause problems (e.g. expiring users, table spaces filling up, disabled constraints and triggers, etc etc).


Find and kill sessions:

sqlplus / as sysdba

Set the line size so things look better:
set linesize 999

Then run a query to show active users:
SELECT s.osuser, s.status, s.process, s.machine, s.inst_id, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid, s.username, s.program FROM gv$session s JOIN gv$process p ON p.addr = s.paddr AND p.inst_id = s.inst_id WHERE s.type != ‘BACKGROUND’;

If you want to kill one, use the SID and SERIAL from the above:



Tablespaces; finding, resizing and autoextending:

sqlplus / as sysdba
set linesize 999

List Oracle Database tablespace files:


From the above, get the file name for the Table Space that needs altered, and do something like this:

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE ‘{/path to above TS file, eg /ora/path/undotbs_0001.dbf}’ AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 64m MAXSIZE 2G;


Start and Stop things:


lsnrctl start listener_Name
lsnrctl stop listener_Name

sqlplus / as sysdba
shutdown immediate


Find invalid objects:

Optionally filtered by owner(s) and without synonyms…

select owner || ‘.’ || object_name || ‘[‘ || object_type || ‘]’
from dba_objects
where status = ‘INVALID’
and object_type != ‘SYNONYM’
and owner in (‘SYSTEM’,’SYS’,’TOOLS’,’DEVUSER’);


Check Constraints and Triggers:

SELECT * FROM all_constraints WHERE status <> ‘ENABLED’;

or filter by users:

SELECT * FROM all_constraints WHERE owner = ‘ARBOR’ and status <> ‘ENABLED’;

Triggers are similar:

select * from all_triggers where status <> ‘ENABLED’;


Check for locked/locking users:

those already locked:

select * from dba_users where username in (‘SYSTEM’,’SYS’,’TOOLS’,’DEVUSER’) and lock_date is not null;

or those about to be locked (I add this to my Jenkins Database monitoring jobs so you get some warning…):

select * from dba_users where expiry_date < (trunc(SYSDATE) +7) and lock_date = null;


Check the Oracle Wallet:

Check to see if encrytion is present:

select * from dba_encrypted_columns;

if that brings something back, then you can check the state of the Oracle Wallet:

SELECT status from v$encryption_wallet where status not like ‘OPEN’;


Running SQL scripts from Shell scripts:

This can be done in various ways, but I tend to either use this approach to simply run a file and exit:

echo “About to run ${SCRIPT_NAME} on ${SERVER}…”
echo exit | sqlplus ${DB_USER}/${DB_PASSWORD}@${SERVER} @/path/to/sql/scripts/${SCRIPT_NAME}.sql
echo “Script ${SCRIPT_NAME} complete.” # now check the return code etc…

or sometimes a HEREDOC is more suitable, something like this example for checking database links work:

echo “Checking ${DBLINK} link for user ${DB_USER}…”
DBLINK_CHECK=$(sqlplus -s -l ${DB_USER}/${DB_PASS}@${ADM_DBASE}<<EOF
set echo off heading off feedback off
SELECT ‘Link works’ from dual@${DBLINK};
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo “ERROR: Checking link ${DBLINK} as ${DB_USER} FAILED”


If you find any of these useful or would like to suggest additions or changes please let me know.



Getting the current user in Jenkins

Updated! Yet Again!

There are several ideas and comments below on ways to get the logged in user in Jenkins – the person/user that triggered the current build.

This has changed/broken/altered quite a few times since I wrote the initial post (about 8 years ago) as changes have been made to Jenkins – not least being the introduction of Pipelines and Groovy! For quite some time the best solution was, probably, to use a plugin for this (see “build user vars” below).

If you’re writing a Jenkins Pipeline and you’re happy adding in the Build User Vars plugin, then you can simply do this to access the BUILD_USER variable in your Jenkins groovy Pipeline job:

wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
  echo "BUILD_USER that started this Pipeline: ${BUILD_USER}"

A few alternative and older ideas follow…

I recently wanted (again) to get the logged-in user that triggered the build in Jenkins and came across my own post when searching… doh. I didn’t really feel like adding a plugin just for this one – supposedly simple – task so had another look at ways to achieve this, and this latest approach seems to work well…

It’s not pretty or robust, and I’m doing it in two goes (to demonstrate getting the correct line then refining things with sed to just the name) which you could simplify, but this is hopefully enough to illustrate the general plan. You’d need to validate it for builds that are started by timer and things like that too.

Here is the plain text version:

# Just show the output:
set -
# change dir to where this builds files are kept:
cd /home/don/jenkins/home/jobs/GetJenkinsJobUserName/builds/${BUILD_NUMBER}
# To start, just get the whole string from the 'log' file:
export STARTED_BY="`grep -i Started log`"
# Output it to the console:
# refine this to just the user name:
export JUST_NAME="`echo "${STARTED_BY}" | sed "s@Started by user@@"`"
echo "Jenkins User Name is ${JUST_NAME}"

This produces the following output when run:

That seems to do the job!

All the original thoughts and comments are below….

Here is a bit of code for getting the details of the logged-in user in Jenkins or Hudson – useful for auditing which user started a given build. I often add this to an audit database, that over time builds up a log of who has done what, where and when, as well as indicating the current state – I then query that through a JSP page that generates a dynamic table that is included via an iFrame in the Description part of the corresponding job… but anyway, back on topic…

Update: the Build User Vars plugin can now provide this functionality. Just install that then check the “Set jenkins user build variables” checkbox under the “Build Environment” section in the configuration page for the job you want to use it, then you should be able to access the following variables in your job:

  • BUILD_USER — full name of user started build,
  • BUILD_USER_FIRST_NAME — first name of user started build,
  • BUILD_USER_LAST_NAME — last name of user started build,
  • BUILD_USER_ID — id of user started build.

As far as I know, there’s no built-in way to do this (apart from the plugin now mentioned above). e.g. through a Jenkins environment variable like $CURRENT_USER or $USER_ID, but using wget, the Jenkins XML API and a little bit of XPath, you can easily query for many things at runtime like so:

THIS_USER=”$(wget -nv –no-proxy “$BUILD_URL/api/xml”‘?xpath=//userId/text()’ -O -)”

That line fetches the logged-on user id by requesting (via wget) the XML for the current BUILD_URL, filtering for the userId text and assigning that value to the variable $THIS_USER, so that it can be used elsewhere in the job.

You can change this around to get the username if you prefer:

THIS_USER=”$(wget -nv –no-proxy “$BUILD_URL/api/xml”‘?xpath=//userName/text()’ -O -)”

Or, try adding “/api/xml” to the end of a Jenkins URL, and you can see the numerous other elements you could request via the Jenkins XML API and XPath.

I have often used this approach to query and report on the status of multiple downstream jobs, for example. Sometimes it’s easier to wget the XML then parse it locally at runtime (with sed/awk/whatever you like) for the data you are interested in – the number of passed, failed or unstable builds can be counted by searching for the number of corresponding “blue”, “red” or “yellow” elements, for example.

UPDATE: It looks like the current version of Jenkins has disabled or broken this feature/ability, but there are always alternative solutions…

For example, if you have curl and xml_grep to hand, you could do it like this…

THIS_USER=`curl –silent $BUILD_URL | xml_grep –text_only userName`

most systems will have curl or alternatively wget, and if you don’t have xml_grep some plain old grep or awk will do the job.



New Home/lab ESXi 5 Server – Part 1

I wrote a while ago about my plans to set up a home VM Ware ESXi 5 server… and although you can’t tell the difference, this site is now happily running on it 🙂


The server I went for is an HP ProLiant ML110 G6. It’s got a single socket Xeon Quad Core X3430 processor, 16GB of RAM and at the moment 2TB of SATA3 disk – I will add more when I finish migrating data off the old servers.

There are some limits on the spec you can use with the free version of ESX – I think it’s currently one physical processor and 32G RAM, which means this server is fine.

Install and setup:

The ML110 is a compact and well-made server and is very quiet when up and running – it sounds like a hovercraft for the first few seconds, but quickly calms down to run not much louder than a normal desktop PC. The chassis isn’t large but it’s well laid out and there’s room for 4 HDD’s in there, maybe more if required if the DVD drive was removed (it’s not on the ESX compatibility list anyway so I can’t use it for this).

I installed ESXi 5 from a 2GB USB drive which is attached to the USB socket directly on the motherboard – the BIOS boots from this no problem, and gave me the option to install ESXi 5 on to the USB drive, leaving my HDD(‘s) free to use as 100% dedicated ESX Datastores, and also meaning I can exchange them when I need to without having to reinstall or worry about the VM Ware OS.

The server-side installation of ESXi 5 is a breeze – I rehearsed and wrote about it on my ESXi 5 on an iMac under Fusion post  and it was no different here – it took about 10 minutes or so and there were no tricky questions. Specify the user name and password, tell it to use all of the available HDD and there’s not much more to it. Once you have set up networking the way you want it (the DHCP setup should be fine for most installs) you don’t really need to go near the server again – it’s all managed remotely via the client applications and SSH (more on that in Part 2) from then on.

Creating VMs:

Once you have the vSphere client install done (it’s far more trouble than the server install – plus it requires .Not and J# runtimes – argh! – so it requires Windows – double-argh! – so had to be done initially on a Windows VM running on my iMac in my case… triple-argh!) you can connect to your ESXi 5 server using the IP address, User Name and Password that you set up and start creating some VMs.

To get the first VM created (in my case this had to be a Windows one that I could then use to run the vSphere client on and RDP over to instead of having to run a VM on my Mac all the time), I uploaded an ISO image to the datastore that I had created, then added a new VM in the vSphere Client and set that ISO as the CD image it should load at boot time. You just specify the OS type, RAM, CPU, Networking and disk(s) you want and power it on – all very easy and quick.

Converting a VM Ware Workstation VM in to a VM Ware ESX Guest

I also wanted to convert the Ubuntu VM Ware Workstation image that this web site runs on, so I could move it off the old server and have it running on ESX as a “proper” ESX guest/host. This was really easy too; the VM Ware Converter allows you to specify a local VM of pretty much any type and supply the details of the target ESX server, and it then converts and loads it all for you – it took quite a while to complete but it worked without issues, and I was then able to power on my Ubuntu website VM under ESXi 5, where it’s happily running right now. No need to reinstall WordPress, Postfix, PHP, Java, Jenkins, MySQL etc etc – happy days.

Here are some Pics of the ESXi5 console shortly after set-up…


1. General info on the reported spec and current overall resource usage of the HP ProLiant ML110 G6:

ESXi 5 console general information


2. Some of the Health Monitoring and General Configuration options:

Inventory and general settings and diagnostics pic

3. Overview of Guest and Host resources:

Guest and Host resources



I did a fair bit of research beforehand to make sure the install and hardware would be ok, which meant the actual set up was trivial – once it’s done all you need to do is create VMs and allocate resources; there is very little work or maintenance required – especially compared to what would be needed to run multiple physical servers all with their own hardware. Creating new VMs is very easy, and the performance is good so far – the processor is not stressed at all, and the ESX memory management does a good job – I’ve had up to 6 VMs running at the same time and still have about half the memory free!

Next plans:

One of my main reasons for doing this was to provide a test platform for automating, creating and managing Linux VMs using Jenkins as a front end and DNS records to control what is deployed where and when – I want to be able to select a few options, then click a button and have my new host created in minutes and to the right spec, similar to the Amazon EC2 set up but code deployment linked in too, and I will write more on this when I’ve done it.

Plans include a mixture of: VM Ware Templates, Perl, Jenkins jobs, Jenkins Nodes, Puppet, Tomcat, etc

Next Post:

There are a few other things I have already done that I’d like to document too including…

Accessing ESXi 5 via SSH – how to and a summary of useful commands etc
More detail on Remote desktop via ssh tunnels etc
VM Ware command line tools
DNS and AD/LDAP servers

Managing Jenkins as a service and starting at boot time

Linux Services

I have an Ubuntu Linux VM that runs Jenkins, and to make life simpler I wanted to set up Jenkins to run as a service. I also wanted it to start up automatically at boot time, as that’s the sole function of the VM it’s running on.

So, here are my notes on setting up Jenkins as a service on Ubuntu Linux, which includes a script to manage (start, stop, check, restart) the Jenkins process too.

On Ubuntu (and most othe rLinux versions) you can check the current services with the command “service –status-all” – this should give you a list of all services, and their current status. You can (as root) also do “service <name> start” (or stop or restart) for each one.

Jenkins as a Service

To create a new service for Jenkins, take a look at the existing scripts in /etc/init.d/ for some examples.

By convention there are three main methods a basic service implements, they are; start, stop and restart. About the most basic structure of a service script is therfore something like this:

start() {
echo “Starting Service”
# Do start things here.
}stop() {
echo “Stopping Service”
# Do stop things here.
}restart() {
echo “Restarting Service…”

case “$1″ in

obviously you still need to implement the start and stop functions though 🙂

To see a far more detailed example, take a look at the file /etc/init.d/skeleton, which you could copy and update to suit your needs if you prefer.

I decided on something halfway between the very basic example above and the far more complex example in “skeleton”, and did something like this (saved as “/etc/init.d/jenkins”):

# Example Jenkins auto-start service script
# description: manages Jenkins as a service
# processname: jenkins
# pidfile: /var/run/
# author: The user and the home dir that Jenkins runs under
# Your startup and stop scripts (see below)
shutdwn=$jenkins/bin/shutdown.shstart_jenkins() {
echo “Starting Jenkins services…”
su – jenkins -c “sh $startup”

stop_jenkins() {
echo “Stopping Jenkins services…”
su – jenkins -c “sh $shutdwn”

status_jenkins() {
# Check for any other process containing jenkins.war
# This could be improved upon (see script below)
numproc=`ps -ef | grep [j]enkins.war | wc -l`
if [ $numproc -ne 0 ]; then
echo “Jenkins is running…”
echo “Jenkins is NOT running…”

case “$1” in
echo “Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}”
exit 1
exit 0

Update that to suit then save and change the permissions to make it executable:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/jenkins

then you can check (as root) that you can call the methods in the script:

service jenkins status

service jenkins stop

service jenkins start

These should all now run as the Jenkins user via sudo and say something when called, even if it is just “I can’t find the scripts you told me to call” 🙂

Jenkins Startup and Stop scripts

So, you now need to create the missing startup and shutdown scripts, in my example they were:




An example of the Jenkins start-up and management script I normally use is at the end of this post – the main idea though, is that it sets what you want to set then starts Jenkins via nohup and outputs to a log file

I have also added and included some basic tests to my scripts and some (very) rudimentary error handling/checking, but you shoudl get the idea and all you really need is this line (with the variables set correctly):

${NOHUP} ${JAVA} -jar ${JENKINS_WAR} -D${MARKER} –httpListenAddress= –httpPort=${HTTP_PORT} > ${LOG_FILE} &

Note: I often run multiple instances of Jenkins, so I explicitly specify the HTTP_PORT, and I use the -D${MARKER} to allow me to safely and easily find the correct PID for each project.
The httpListenAddress can normally go unset, but it’s something I’ve had to set before on multi-home’d hosts.

The stop part of my Jenkins management script finds the correct PID like this (and you could use a filter for the correct -D${MARKER} if you want that too):

PID=`${LSOF} -w -n -i tcp:${HTTP_PORT} | ${GREP} -v COMMAND | ${AWK} {‘print $2’}`

and simply kills it.

For some of my scripts I also filter for process ID’s that were started in the current directory by checking “pwdx” against the PID, but only where I’m sure the corresponding start-up process is correct/reliable.

So, tweak to your taste and that should be the Jenkins service created and working too now; for start|stop|restart you can create individual scripts or wrappers that call something like the one script below with parameters, or break the script in to separate files if you prefer.

Setting Jenkins to start at boot time

If you want to start Jenkins at boot time/startup automatically then you still need to do one more small step.  There are many different ways to do this depending on personal preference, your requirements and your version of Linux, but on Ubuntu it can be done easily with:

update-rc.d jenkins defaults

“update-rc.d” simply installs and removes System-V style init script links – read the man page for full details, but the same idea applies to most versions of Linux.

update-rc.d -f  jenkins remove

will undo this if you no longer want it.

An example Jenkins server/process management script

As an example, here is my script to manage Jenkins processes – it could use some improvements but the basic start, stop, restart and check should give you enough to sort out something that works and suits your needs.

Better formatted version available here:

#! /bin/bash -p
# Script to start|stop|restart|check an instance of Jenkins
# For each new instance, the PROJECT and HTTP_PORT need to be updated:
export PROJECT=jenkins
export HTTP_PORT=9000
### Functions Start #############################################################

# Perform any clean-up activities here…
[ “${EXIT_STRING}” != “0” ] && echo `date “+%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S”` ${EXIT_STRING}
exit 0

trap ” QUIT

_error() {
[ “${1}” != “0” ] && EXIT_STRING=”ERROR: ${1}, please investigate, terminating.”
cleanup  # Never returns from this call…

echo `date “+%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S”` “${1}”

tput bold 2>/dev/null
echo `date “+%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S”` “${1}”
tput sgr0 2>/dev/null

say “”
saybold “Checking all required folders exist…”
[ ! -d “${REQUIRED_DIR}” ] && _error “Necessary directory: ${REQUIRED_DIR} does not exist”
say “Found required directory: ${REQUIRED_DIR}”
saybold “Done.”
say “”

say “”
saybold “Checking all required files exist…”
[ ! -f “${REQUIRED_FILE}” ] && _error “Necessary file: ${REQUIRED_file} does not exist”
say “Found required file ${REQUIRED_FILE}”
saybold “Done.”
say “”

say “Checking that port ${HTTP_PORT} is closed…”
${NC} -w 1 localhost ${HTTP_PORT}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
_error “Required Jenkins port ${HTTP_PORT} is already in use”
say “Ok, required port ${HTTP_PORT} is available, continuing…”

say “Checking that port ${HTTP_PORT} is open…”
${NC} -w 1 localhost ${HTTP_PORT}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
say “Ok, a process is listening on port ${HTTP_PORT}, continuing…”
_error “Required Jenkins port ${HTTP_PORT} has not been opened.”

saybold “Starting Process now…”
${NOHUP} ${JAVA} -jar ${JENKINS_WAR} -D${MARKER} –httpListenAddress= –httpPort=${HTTP_PORT} > ${LOG_FILE} &
say “Process initiated.”

say “Checking the log file ${LOG_FILE} for an HTTP listener…”
STARTED=`${GREP} -c “HTTP Listener started” ${LOG_FILE}`
if [ ${STARTED} -eq “0” ]; then
_error “An HTTP Listener has not reported as started in the log file ${LOG_FILE}”
saybold “An HTTP Listener is reported as started in the log file ${LOG_FILE}”

# These checks need error handling, but you get the general idea.
say “Checking that localhost:${HTTP_PORT} is serving Jenkins pages…”
${WGET} -q http://localhost:${HTTP_PORT}
GOT_HTML=`${GREP} -c Dashboard index.html`
rm -rf ${TEMP_WGETDIR}
if [ ${GOT_HTML} -eq “0” ]; then
_error “Unable to get an HTML page from the Server.”
saybold “Recieved valid HTML from the server, all looks ok.”

say “A Jenkins instance is listening on port ${HTTP_PORT} for project ${PROJECT}.”
say “The process is logging debug info to the log file: ${LOG_FILE}”

saybold “Looking for the Process ID attached to port ${HTTP_PORT}”
PID=`${LSOF} -w -n -i tcp:${HTTP_PORT} | ${GREP} -v COMMAND | ${AWK} {‘print $2’}`
if [ “${PID}” == “” ]; then
saybold “Unable to detect the Process ID that is listening on port ${HTTP_PORT}!”
if [ “${PID}” == “” ]; then
_error “Unable to find the PID that has the log file open too!”
say “Ok, found PID ${PID}”
saybold “Found a PID of $PID, killing it now…”
kill -9 ${PID}
say “Waiting ${WAIT_TIME} seconds for the process to die…”
sleep ${WAIT_TIME}
saybold “Done, checking port is closed…”
saybold “All done.”

saybold “Waiting ${START_WAIT_TIME} seconds for the process to start up…”


### Script Start ################################################################

case “$1” in
echo “Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|check}”
# Exit cleanly
_error “0”

Hope that helps! Any constructive comments, requests or suggestions for improvement are very welcome 🙂

Cheers, and sorry about the indenting,


VM Ware ESXi under VM Ware Fusion


I’m looking at getting a new home lab/server set up, and am seriously considering ordering one of these:

HP ProLiant ML110 G6 Quad Core X3430

It will need filled with memory and a load of disk space, but I reckon that’s still a whole lot of server for the money.

The Plan

The plan is to install VM Ware ESXi 5 on to it (using the USB Drive), and manage the server through the remote VM Ware vSphere Client app. This will allow me to create new Virtual Machines and migrate my existing appliances over to this server, then I can retire the old servers these have been running on. I’m also wanting to develop some automation processes for managing VM’s – creating new ones, bringing them up and down etc using Jenkins to orchestrate the processes, so this will allow me to work on that too.

Before ordering the ML110 I wanted to take a better look at the installation of ESXi – it doesn’t sound difficult, but while I’ve used it often I’d never set it up before so wanted to see what was involved.

VM Ware ESXi 5 Installation under Fusion on an iMac

It’s a little bit crazy and recursive, but, I realised I may be able to do this on my iMac under VM Ware Fusion, which it turns out does allow you to install ESX as a Virtual Machine itself…. which you can then use to manage and create new (Virtual?) Virtual Machines – a bit of a brain-ouch, and it’s clearly not going to be fast, but it’s good enough for my testing.

Installing ESXi is very straightforward – I selected the obvious option of “VM Ware ESX” in Fusion on my iMac, told it I had an image I wanted to use and pointed it at the VM Ware ESXi 5 ISO image I had downloaded from VM Ware (you need to register then fumble about their site for a while to find and download the free version – that’s the way I did it anyway). Keep a note of the serial number they give you, as that will remove the 60 day trial restriction later.

Fusion suggested a 40G file system for this instance and allocated 2GB RAM and 2 cores, which I was quite happy to run with for my test. Speaking of RAM – there was a restriction on the amount of physical RAM you could use with the free version of ESXi 5 – it was 8GB a while ago but this has now been increased to something more sensible – 32GB I think?

There are no surprises or major decision needed during the install of ESXi 5 itself – it took all of 5 minutes to run through and reboot, and that was with it running as a Virtual Machine on an overloaded iMac – on proper hardware like the HP ProLiant ML110 G6 Quad Core X3430 that I’m looking at, it would be loads faster.

When the install is done, there’s nothing more to see on the ESXi (VM), apart from the HTTP address it gives you to connect to the ESXi Host and access a simple web page it serves with links to download the VM Ware vSphere Client application to another host and start managing your server. This address was given by DHCP in my case – I think you can specify or change this easily if you want to.

Client Installation

Downloading the VM Ware vSphere Client took a while (longer than installing ESXi did!) as it came from the VM Ware site rather than being directly served by the ESXi host. Now for the bad news… for clients, you have a choice of running either Windows or Linux. No mention of an OSX vSphere client, so I had to fire up a Windows VM just to set up the client app on… not what I had been hoping for – there’s a petition asking VM Ware to sort this out here:

When I get things running I could create a VM on my ESXi host which I can RDP on to, but that’s still a pretty ugly solution – if the Linux client is ok I’d go with that over the Windows one, and I think there’s also a Web Interface. But, part of the reason for me doing this in the first place is so that I can look in to the SDK and API’s for automating the creation of VM’s with VM Ware using Jenkins though, so I’ll grin and bear the Windows yuckness and see how things go.

Installing the vSphere client gets worse and worse though – my VM needed an update to its Microsoft .Not Framework (something I tend to avoid) which churned away for quite some time, and the console looks to be written in J# too (yes seriously – J# – what the… ?), which meant another “Framework upgrade” which took another while and a half – so the client set up ended up taking about 10 times longer than the server, and I had to run a Windows VM just for it… not too cool.

Once done, I could point my vSphere client at the IP address of the ESXi (VM) using its advertised IP address, the default user name (which I’d forgotten to take a note of – it’s “root”) and the password I’d specified during the install. This gets me to the Hypervisor where I can start creating and managing my own VM’s.

Cool stuff, despite the client letting things down.

Setting up Perforce on a Linux Server and a Windows Client

As described on WikiPedia, Perforce “is a commercial, proprietary, centralized revision control system developed by Perforce Software, Inc.”

Like Subversion, it’s a client/server system where the server manages a database of revisioned files, and clients connect to checkout, modify and send back changes for others to pick up.

I wanted to check out the latest version so thought I’d install it on this server and set up a client… and that I may as well capture the steps and put them here.

In my case, the server is an Ubuntu Linux  host, and my client machine is a Windows XP workstation.

There’s not a lot to do when installing Perforce, so getting a straightforward instance up and running is a breeze. Basically, get the binary, export or pass it a few settings if you don’t want the defaults, then kick it off – here’s the detail from my notes:

Download p4d binary (for this platform and architecture):

You can put this wherever you want, and set up a P4ROOT to specify the Perforce root directory – but don’t use that location for anything else (including client workspaces).

mkdir /apps/perforce
mv p4d /apps/perforce; cd /apps/perforce
chmod +x p4d


Most  Perforce options can either be exported or passed as a command-line arg, so you can choose

export P4ROOT=/apps/perforce
– or –
-r /apps/perforce

The default port is 1666, and remember that if you change this on the Server you will need to change it on your Perforce client(s) too.  In my example I’m using 9002:

export P4PORT=9002
– or –
-p 9002

So I ended up with a command line that looked like this:

nohup ./p4d -r /apps/perforce -J /var/log/journal -L /var/log/p4err -p 9002 &

Which I will probably put in to a simple script, and a probably a script too that contains this and maybe the port number and full path to the binary location:

p4 admin stop

That’s it for the Server side at the moment, there’s a process up and running (you can check the output in nohup.out) so it’s time to set up and connect a client…


I’m going for a Windows client installation, which means downloading the correct version from the Perforce site then running p4vinst.exe. There’s nothing really to report here; select the usual options like directories and let it install.

Oh, I also needed to create a user, so back on the Linux Server I also downloaded the p4 binary:


Exported the P4PORT (since I was using a custom one to get through my firewalls), then add a user:

export P4PORT=9002
chmod +x p4
./p4 user -f Donald
User Donald saved.

Now you can test connecting to your Perforce Server with the  P4Admin GUI and the P4V GUI on the Windows client host by specifying the correct port (if you changed the default) and a valid user name. Once that’s done, you can admin your Depot’s and add/change/commit files, see revision and history information and all that good stuff. There are also command line and web interfaces too which can be useful for temporary use and for scripting but the Windows GUI’s are nice to use and quite self explanatory – if you’ve used a similar revision control system like Subversion and an Eclipse-like IDE before there’s not much of a learning curve here.

The Perforce Help and Documentation is all very good, and their Perforce 2010.2: System Administrator’s Guide covers all of the above in more detail, and touches on more advanced topics too – Perforce Performance Tuning, Backup and Recovery, Replication, and the Perforce Broker (P4Broker) etc.

There’s also a Perforce plugin for Jenkins, which once installed allows you to choose Perforce as one of the SCM option in your Jenkins jobs, but the above hopefully covers the initial setup of both the Perforce Client and the Perforce Server on Windows and Linux respectively.


Jenkins Agent Nodes

This Jenkins Agent Nodes post covers:

  • What are they?
  • Why may I want one?
  • How do you create one?
    • tasks on On the Master/Server
    • tasks on On the Agent/Client
  • Other ways of creating Agent Nodes
  • Related posts and links

What are they?

Jenkins Agents  are small Java “Client” processes that connect back to a “Master” Jenkins instance over the Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP).

Why may I want one?

Once it’s up and running, an Agent instance can be used to run tasks from a Master Jenkins instance on one or more remote machines providing an easy to use and flexible distributed system which can lend itself to a wide variety of tasks.

As these are Java processes, you are not restricted by architecture and can mix and match the OS’s of your agent nodes as required – Windows, Linux, UNIX, iSeries, OVMS etc – anything capable of running a modern version of Java (I think JNLP was introduced in 1.5?) and you can also group and categorize subsets of different types (both logical and physical) of Agents; intended use, availability, location, available resources, Cloud or VM versus Physical tin – anything that helps you decide when you want to use which host.

There are many different ways you can choose to utilize these nodes – they can be used to spread the load of an intensive build process over many machines when they are available, you can delegate specific tasks to specific machines only, or you can use labels to group different classes or types of Nodes that are available for certain tasks, making the most use of your available resources. You can also have Jenkins create Cloud server instances – Amazon EC2 for example – when certain thresholds are reached, and stop them when they are no longer required.

This post focuses on a pretty manual approach to the creation of Jenkins Agent Nodes with the intention of explaining them well enough to allow you to create them on any platform that can run a modern version of Java – there are probably simpler solutions depending on your needs and setup. A later post will touch on a few of the many possible uses for these nodes.

So, how do you create one?

There are several different ways to go about setting up an Agent, and the “best” approach depends on your situation, needs and environment(s) – for a simple Linux setup letting Jenkins do all the work for you makes life really easy, you can just select that option in your new Jenkins Agent Node and complete this screen to have Jenkins set it up for you:

Where the Username and Password are the credentials you want Jenkins to use to connect and start the Agent process on the remote server. This simple approach also allows the Master instance to initiate the JNLP connection and bring your agents online when required, avoiding any need to manually visit each agent node.

This keeps things nice and simple and reduces the admin overhead too,  but sometimes this type of approach can’t be used (on different OS’s like OVMS, iSeries, Windows etc) and I’m going to go on to outline what I think is the most “versatile” method – defining the Node on the Master instance, and manually setting up and starting the corresponding Agent/Client Node on the remote host – going through these steps should provide enough detail on how Agent Nodes work and connect to get one up and running on anything that can run a JVM.

1. On the Master/Server

Define the host: navigate to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes > New Node
Enter a suitable Node Name (I’d recommend something descriptive, and usually including the host name or part of it) then either select to create a “Dumb Agent” or copy an existing Node if you have one, then complete the configuration page similar to this:

where you specify the requested properties – path, labels, usage, executors etc. These are explained in more detail in the “?” for each item if required.

Here you can also state if you want to keep your Jenkins Agent for tied jobs only, or if it is to be utilized as much as possible – this obviously depends on your requirements. You can also specify the Launch method that best applies to your needs & requirements.

2. On the Agent/Client host

You don’t need to do very much to create a new agent node – typically if I’m setting up a few *NIX and Windows hosts I would archive a simple shell/DOS script that starts and manages the process along with the slave.jar file from the Master Jenkins instance. There are alternative methods that may suit your needs – you can start agents via SSH from the Master server for example and there’s a comparable method for Windows – but this simple approach should help you understand the underlying idea that applies to them all.

You can “wget” (or use a Browser on Windows) the slave.jar file directly from the Master Jenkins instance using the URL

http://[your jenkins host]:[port number]/jnlpJars/slave.jar

If you let JNLP initiate the process, the slave.jar will be downloaded from Jenkins automatically.

Note that Jenkins will inherit the effective permissions of the user that starts the process – this is to be expected, but it’s often worth having a think about the security aspects of this, along with the access requirements for the types of things you want your agent to be able to do… or not do.

On Windows hosts, you can use the jenkins-agent.exe to easily install Jenkins as a Windows Service, which can then be started at boot time and run under whatever user/permissions you wish set via the Services panel.

My *NIX “” script does a few environment/sanity checks, then kicks of the agent process something like so:

${NOHUP} ${JAVA} -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://SERVERNAME:PORT/computer/USER__NODENAME/slave-agent.jnlp &

The HTTP URL there should match the one provided by the Jenkins page when you were defining the Node. If all goes well you should see the node state changed to Connected on the Master Hudson instance, and if not, then nohup.out should provide some pretty obvious pointers on the problem.

Some common causes are:

Jenkins host, port or node name wrong
Java version not found/wrong
Lack of write permissions to the file system
Lack of space (check /tmp too)
Port already in use
Errors in the jenkins-slave.xml file if you’ve tweaked it

Jenkins also provides some health monitoring of the connected Node which you can see in the Jenkins > Nodes page:
Disk Space, Free Temp Space, Clock time/sync, Response Time and Free Swap are monitored
and you can have your Node taken off line if any of these passes a set threshold.

This should hopefully be enough info to provide an overview of what Jenkins Agents are, and enough to get one up and running on your chosen platform. Where possible it’s best to keep things simple – use SSH and let the Master instance manage things for you if you can – but when that’s not possible there are alternatives.

When I get the chance I will add some information on the next steps – creating and delegating jobs on Jenkins Agent Nodes, and some thoughts and suggestions for just a few of the many uses for this sort of distributed Build and Deployment system.

Related Posts and Links:

Monitoring Jenkins Slave Nodes with Groovy
– how to keep an  eye on your Jenkins Slaves

Jenkins Slave Nodes – using the Swarm Plugin
– automatically connect new Slave Nodes to create a “Swarm”

Getting the current user in Jenkins
– several approaches

Managing Jenkins as a service and starting at boot time
– on Linux & Windows

Jenkins plugins
– details on some of my most frequently used plugins

Jenkins DIY Information Radiators
– what they are for, and how to make your own

The Jenkins Wiki has more details information on Distributed Builds and different slave-launching strategies.

Feedback, questions and constructive comments are very welcome!

Updated to latest Jenkins

Finally got around to trying out “Jenkins”, the latest incarnation of the forked “Hudson” project, and one of my favourite tools. Jenkins looks and works very much like the latest Hudson, but as it had been a while since I last browsed the plugins there were a few nice additions.

When I first started using Hudson there were about 5 basic plugins, and the amount and quality available in the latest version of Jenkins is really impressive – obviously it depends on what sort of tasks and tools you use, but there’s something for everyone – here is a list of the ones I found most useful and interesting:

Hudson Google Calendar plugin

This plugin publishes the job status to Google Calendar.

I think this has maybe been around for a while but I hadn’t used it before – it simply publishes build info to your Google Calendar, which can be a nice way to view a summary for some jobs.

Hudson iPhoneView plugin

This plugin allows you to view the status of your jobs via iPhone or iPod touch.

Haven’t tried this out yet but it’s on my todo list!

Hudson SCP publisher plugin

This plugin uploads build artifacts to repository sites using SCP (SSH) protocol.

This is a plugin for something I would usually script in Ant or shell script – will try this instead as it should make things simpler and cleaner.

Security Realm with no CAPTCHA

Brilliant – the Hudson/Jenkins Captcha can be really tough, being able to remove it is very nice.

Jenkins SSH plugin

This plugin executes shell commands remotely using SSH protocol.

Much like the SVN plugins, this is something I would normally write by hand – this plugin lets you define hosts (with user and passwords) then select them and the task you want to run from within a job, very handy and again much less clutter – another essential.

Startup Trigger

This plugin allows you to trigger a Jenkins build when Jenkins first starts up.

Simple but useful – I have used this one on a server that is restarted nightly; it kicks off some housekeeping jobs and mails me the outcome every morning.

Hudson Subversion Tagging Plugin

This plugin automatically performs Subversion tagging (or copy) on successful build.

Another useful Subversion integration plugin – I have recently been using this in conjunction with another plugin that dynamically generates a drop-down of all available tags in a given SVN location at build time. This allows users to select the tag they want to deploy, a very powerful and useful combination.



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