Workaround for Withings and Apple Health not playing nicely together

I recently bought a Withings Body Smart scale, it’s a great device, all the features I was wanting (and then some) and it looks slick too.

I was looking forward to seeing the metrics/measurements from it appear in Apple Health, but found out that this doesn’t “just happen” like I’d hoped and expected, as they don’t integrate well – I think that’s due to Apple restrictions rahter than a lack of effort from Withings, but not 100% sure on that.

It appears you need to open the Withings App and then it will sync your data to the Apple Health app. That’s a PITA and not at all what I was looking for.

The following is a yicky workaround and not a solution – if anyone has or finds a better way, please do let me know!

Until then, my approach is to create an Apple Shortcut that opens the Withings app, waits a second, then opens and switches to Apple Health. After a few seconds the new readings appear in Apple Health – far from ideal, but I prefer this one irritation to opening two apps.

The Shortcut looks like this:

When done, I created a bookmark on the Home Screen that looks like this (the “WiHealth” icon):

I’d love a better solution though… !
