Quick notes on using the No Man’s Sky Save Editor on Mac
Make a local directory to install and keep the required files in
mkdir NMSEditor; cd NMSEditor
download the jar file from the GitHub repo:
or if you’re happier using the command line:
curl -L -O https://github.com/goatfungus/NMSSaveEditor/raw/master/NMSSaveEditor.jar
Next, you need java installed to run the jar file with, the easist way for this (and for adding lots of other useful tools to your Mac) is to use HomeBrew, install instructions for that are here:
When you’ve got brew setup, you can then install java with this command:
brew install java
As recommended by brew, then run the following (or similar, depending on your shell) to update your shell & path;
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
Remember to open a new shell/terminal session to pick up this change
NMS Save file location
The Steam save file location on Mac is the equivalent of this, you need to update for your user name and whatever your “st_xxx” numbers are…
/Users/<YOURUSERNAME>/Library/Application Support/HelloGames/NMS/st_<my_numbers>
to run the save editor, you can now just do:
java -jar NMSSaveEditor.jar
when it opens, select the path to your save file based on the above, choose a save slot, modify as desired… and remember to take frequent backups