
We had this awesome chicken for about 6 or 7 years, she was an amazing…

HTTPS Certs for WordPress Multisite with Let’s Encrypt

Intro This post looks at creating and maintaining HTTPS/SSL/TLS Certificates for multiple Wordpress sites running…

Kubernetes – with Minikube and Helm – part 2

This is the second half of the Kubernetes with Minikube and Helm presentation, the first…

Milling Chilling and Flattening

Intro Here are some pics and updates on my recent attempts at milling my own…

Three times tables

Pics of three tables I've made recently - all are from the same beech tree…

Meetup – Kubernetes with Minikube and Helm Charts

We are presenting a Kubernetes-related Meetup on Wednesday 5th June in Edinburgh. This time we…

Big spalted beech bowl

Some pics of a recently turned beech bowl. This was made from a wind-fallen tree…

Spalted beech shallow bowl

Latest woodturning - a shallow little beech bowl with nice spalting.

Beech plane

Some pics of a beech plane/weathervane