Setting up OpenNebula on Ubuntu

Some very rough notes on installing and configuring OpenNebula on an Ubuntu host.

On the Server host:

apt-get install opennebula

Adding system user `oneadmin’ (UID nnn) …
Adding new user `oneadmin’ (UID nnn) with group `nogroup’ …
The home directory `/var/lib/one’ already exists.  Not copying from `/etc/skel’.
adduser: Warning: The home directory `/var/lib/one’ does not belong to the user you are currently creating.
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /var/lib/one/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /var/lib/one/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
(key fingerprint)oneadmin@linux
The key’s randomart image is:
+–[ RSA 2048]—-+
|     .    o..    |
(more random artwork)


test the installation by running the new “onehost” command:


onehost [<options>] <command> [<parameters>]

-l, –list x,y,z                 Selects columns to display with list
–list-columns               Information about the columns available
to display, order or filter
-o, –order x,y,z                Order by these columns, column starting
with – means decreasing order
-f, –filter x,y,z               Filter data. An array is specified
with column=value pairs.
-d, –delay seconds              Sets the delay in seconds for top
-v, –verbose                    Tells more information if the command
is successful
-h, –help                       Shows this help message
–version                    Shows version and copyright information


* create (Adds a new machine to the pool)
onehost create <hostname> <im_mad> <vmm_mad> <tm_mad>

* show (Gets info from a host)
onehost show <host_id>

* delete (Removes a machine from the pool)
onehost delete <host_id>

* list (Lists machines in the pool)
onehost list

* enable (Enables host)
onehost enable <host_id>

* disable (Disables host)
onehost disable <host_id>

* top (Lists hosts continuously)
onehost top


So far so simple, so it’s time to set up a new host and install the client…


This is done by installing the node package like so:

sudo apt-get install opennebula-node

then starting defining and adding the node to the Master instance via the onehost command.

After that’s done, you can move on to set up a private network for your cloud, create you own KVM images, and start firing up VM’s in your own personal cloud.

More detail coming soon…
